Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

                In this blog, I am going to talk about my personal feeling about Hurricane Sandy, which New York City has not met for a long time. 
                October 28, 2012, the day before Hurricane Sandy came, Mayor Bloomberg announced that Hurricane was coming, and it would cause serious consequences.  I was wandering if it just liked Hurricane Irene which we met last year.  Last year, people worried about Hurricane Irene, but it turned out it was not a big deal.  Therefore, I did not pay much attention on Hurricane Sandy.
                Last night, I was just reading “Zeitoun” which is one of my assignments when people told me something happened.  My friends told me that subway was flooded and many areas were out of electrical service.  I went out of my home, and I saw everything was fine.  The wind was so strong, but obviously there was little rain. 
                It reminded me Zeitoun and Cathy.  Should we leave New York City to other states? I did not think so.  I knew New York City is safer than New Orleans because New York City is above the sea level, and the buildings are more secure.  However, it was very excited as I was reading “Zeitoun” when Hurricane Sandy came.  There were several times I thought I was in Zeitoun’s shoes.  I wanted to go out of my home and save the people who were in need.  Before long, I realized I was just reading a book, and everything outside was OK.
                Actually, Mayor is very important in saving the city.  If I were in Mayor Bloomberg’s position, I would first shut down all the subway because subway is underground, and it can be easily flooded.  Second, I would find a safe place to settle down those people who live in dangerous areas.  Third, I would financially support those people who were deeply affected by Hurricane Sandy.  In fact, I would do some research first to make sure government’s money would not waste on the people who is not in need.
                Finally, I was shocked when I heard Hurricane Sandy because before long I just wrote an essay about if New York City was ready for flood.  So far as I know, Hurricane Sandy has caused 39 people died and hundreds of thousands of dollars lost.  Therefore, it fit my thesis that New York City is not ready for flood, otherwise, it won’t lead to such a horrible consequence.

PS:         I want to add some experience on it.  My uncle who lives so close to Coney Island was deeply affected by Hurricane Sandy.  The day Hurricane Sandy came, water rise very fast.  At fist, he just saw appear on the street.  Sooner, the water rise to his knee.  It was too fast for him to move any of the  furniture, and almost everything on the first flood were ruined.  It took them a whole week only to throw away the garbage.  Even if Hurricane Sandy had gone for 4 days, their basement was still full of seawater.  Besides, the new car they just brought, LEXUS, was unfortunately damaged by seawater.  Therefore, I am trying to say, many people like me cannot really know how horrible Hurricane Sandy.  In fact, where I live was totally fine when Hurricane came so at first I thought it was not a big deal, and maybe people overreacted to it.  It turned out I was wrong.  In short, I just want people to realize that we have to care about Hurricane Sandy, and we have to know climate change, and what climate change will bring to us.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Vince, I like how you brought up your personal feeling's on to this Blog dealing with the topic of Hurricane Sandy. I see that you wrote what you were doing at that time of the storm and wrote "if you was Mayor". There isn't that many serious problems in this Blog of yours but I think it would have looked even better if you put your comma's at the right places. I also like your last paragraph on this Blog with your uncle experiencing Hurricane Sandy head on. What would you have done if you were in his place?
