Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

                In this blog, I am going to talk about my personal feeling about Hurricane Sandy, which New York City has not met for a long time. 
                October 28, 2012, the day before Hurricane Sandy came, Mayor Bloomberg announced that Hurricane was coming, and it would cause serious consequences.  I was wandering if it just liked Hurricane Irene which we met last year.  Last year, people worried about Hurricane Irene, but it turned out it was not a big deal.  Therefore, I did not pay much attention on Hurricane Sandy.
                Last night, I was just reading “Zeitoun” which is one of my assignments when people told me something happened.  My friends told me that subway was flooded and many areas were out of electrical service.  I went out of my home, and I saw everything was fine.  The wind was so strong, but obviously there was little rain. 
                It reminded me Zeitoun and Cathy.  Should we leave New York City to other states? I did not think so.  I knew New York City is safer than New Orleans because New York City is above the sea level, and the buildings are more secure.  However, it was very excited as I was reading “Zeitoun” when Hurricane Sandy came.  There were several times I thought I was in Zeitoun’s shoes.  I wanted to go out of my home and save the people who were in need.  Before long, I realized I was just reading a book, and everything outside was OK.
                Actually, Mayor is very important in saving the city.  If I were in Mayor Bloomberg’s position, I would first shut down all the subway because subway is underground, and it can be easily flooded.  Second, I would find a safe place to settle down those people who live in dangerous areas.  Third, I would financially support those people who were deeply affected by Hurricane Sandy.  In fact, I would do some research first to make sure government’s money would not waste on the people who is not in need.
                Finally, I was shocked when I heard Hurricane Sandy because before long I just wrote an essay about if New York City was ready for flood.  So far as I know, Hurricane Sandy has caused 39 people died and hundreds of thousands of dollars lost.  Therefore, it fit my thesis that New York City is not ready for flood, otherwise, it won’t lead to such a horrible consequence.

PS:         I want to add some experience on it.  My uncle who lives so close to Coney Island was deeply affected by Hurricane Sandy.  The day Hurricane Sandy came, water rise very fast.  At fist, he just saw appear on the street.  Sooner, the water rise to his knee.  It was too fast for him to move any of the  furniture, and almost everything on the first flood were ruined.  It took them a whole week only to throw away the garbage.  Even if Hurricane Sandy had gone for 4 days, their basement was still full of seawater.  Besides, the new car they just brought, LEXUS, was unfortunately damaged by seawater.  Therefore, I am trying to say, many people like me cannot really know how horrible Hurricane Sandy.  In fact, where I live was totally fine when Hurricane came so at first I thought it was not a big deal, and maybe people overreacted to it.  It turned out I was wrong.  In short, I just want people to realize that we have to care about Hurricane Sandy, and we have to know climate change, and what climate change will bring to us.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Blog Assignment #4 (Lower 9th Ward)

                Hi, good evening, every one.  I am Vince, and this is my fourth blog assignment which asks me to summarize my findings on the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.  I will introduce the Lower Ninth Ward from 3 aspects: before Hurricane Katrina, being attacked, and after Hurricane Katrina.
                On August 23, 2005 New Orleans was attacked by Hurricane Katrina, which destroyed entire neighborhoods.  During Hurricane Katrina, 2,000 people died, and hundreds of thousands of people lost their home.  More seriously, most of them were poor people.  Government had a $105 billion budget for rebuild, but that was far not enough to rebuild. However, we cannot expect government to cover all the lost.  All Americans have to make their efforts to help New Orleans.
                Before Hurricane Katrina, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Mayor had warned people how serious it was and asked people to leave.  However, many people still stayed in the town, especially for the people who lived in Lower 9th Ward.  Actually, there were three reasons.  First, some people thought it was like the old hurricanes which would not cause terrible consequence.  Second, some people thought their properties were most important to them, so they had to stay and protected their properties.  Third, the people who had no wealth could not leave even though they wanted.  Many people lived in Lower 9th Ward did not have a car, and they could not afford the expense when they escaped. 
                After 4 months, almost all houses were damaged, and there were few people lived in Lower 9th Ward.  Some victims said that the flood was too fast for them to react, and they could not even image that.  In addition, a victim explained that “many people lived here were poor and elderly” (Hurricane Katrina: The Drive: New Orleans Lower 9th Ward).  Poor people and elderly people did not have wealth, so they could not afford the expense if they left their home.  Even if they could escape, their home was all they had.  Once their home was ruined, they had nothing to rely on.  In fact, wealthy people did not have to worry about it because they could easily rebuild their home with money. 
                6 year later, there were lots of grasses in New Orleans, and many buildings were for sale, and people were hardly seen.  Hopefully, Politicians and leaders were planning to rebuild, and many environmental group and volunteers offered their help.   However, Pierce said placing business in Lower 9th Ward could hardly make any profit because those people who live in Lower 9th Ward were low-income and they did not have extra money to buy goods.  Lynette Gibson held different opinion, and he said building business in Lower 9th Ward was necessary because it could bring people back to the town so that Lower 9th Ward would become rich, and they could have ability to rebuild.
                In conclusion, money could help people get through Hurricane Katrina.


  r      Eggers,Dave.  Zeitoun.  New York: Vintage Books,2009. Print. 
"    Katrina aftermath"
"    Hurricane Katrina: The Drive: New Orleans Lower 9th Ward" 
      Demby, Gene. "6 Years After Katrina, Lower 9th Ward Still Bleak." The Huffington Post.com, 28 Aug. 2011. Web. 30 Oct. 2012. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/28/6-years-after-katrina-low_n_939782.html>.

Monday, October 22, 2012

In-class Zeitoun blog (Frame quotation)

Dave Eggers notes that Kathy loved her family so much.  The children were very important to Kathy.  Eggers states that “though she was exhausted, and was being driven near-crazy by her flatulent dog, Kathy was looking forward to a few days in Baton Rouge” (57).  Kathy was so tired, but she insisted driving to Baton Rouge.  Basically, Kathy drove so many hours by herself, so she was too tired.  However, New Orleans was going to be attacked by the hurricane, and it was very dangerous for them to stay.  For her children’s safety she had to send them to Baton Rouge regardless of sickness.  In other words, Eggers shows that Kathy was an excellent mother.  She cared more about the children than herself.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Soemthing I learn about Zeitoun and Kathy

Zeitoun was a famous printer in New Orleans, and Kathy communicated to clients.  Zeitoun worked so hard, and Kathy worried about him because she loved him and did not want him to meet any danger.  Zeitoun started as a normal worker, but with his efforts, he became a boss and had some printers beneath him.  Kathy got divorced before, and this was her second marriage.  She had been mocked for a long time because she was an Islam. 
In my opinion, Zeitoun was a hard-working, responsible person because he cared about his works even more than his family.  There was one time, his bike was broken on his way to work, and that was an obviously good reason to be late or even absent.  However, he carried the bike on his shoulder and run to work.  When the hurricane Katrina arrived, Zeitoun did not leave the city, and he had to stay until he “secured” all his job locations (Eggers 53).  That was because Zeitoun’s businesses were tightly related, and if he left his businesses easily, his businesses might be ruined.  In addition, his clients trusted him, so he could not let their properties be damaged.  Therefore, he was responsible.
Kathy was an excellent mother, and she was so nervous about Zeitoun and the children.   When she heard the news that the hurricane Katrina had killed three people, she was so worried about her family and could not see more news.  Because she loved her children so much, she would rather take her children away from the city by herself when Zeitoun insisted staying.  She did this all for her children’s safety, so she was a wonderful mother.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Most important thing for readers to know from Zeitoun (page47-54)

The sheet will contain one paragraph that answers this question: What is the most important thing for readers to know from these pages, and why? (Paragraph = 4-6 sentences)

                                              Zeitoun (page 47-54) Group 2

Even though the National Hurricane Center suggested people should leave to avoid the hurricane, Zeitoun chose to stay until he “secured” all his job location (Eggers 53).  He did this because his clients trusted him, and he could not let his clients down.  He promised protecting his clients’ properties from being damaged by the hurricane.  Obviously, he could feel that his wife Kathy and his children loved him, and he also loved them.  However, he thought promise was even more important that.  In my opinion, everyone has something he thinks is more important, and we cannot judge whether his choice is right or wrong.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Blog Assignment #3 (Revision of my second blog)

Blog Assignment #3 (Revision of my second blog)
            Hello, everyone, my name is Junmin Li (Vince).  I am taking ENG101 now, and this is my third blog assignment.  Thank you for reading.
According to the comment an ENG202 student Evalise Salas gave to me in my second blog, I need to organize my evidences.  She said my blog did not have “cohesiveness” because there was no connection between my evidences.  As a person who had not seen this kind of information, she did not clearly know what I was talking about.  She suggested that I should “stick” my evidences together by explaining the relation between these evidences.  I am so appreciated that she gave me so many important opinions which can really improve my writing.  Thank you, Evalise Salas!

Hi, my dear readers.  This is Vince who is now taking ENG101 class in LaGuardia Community College.  In this blog, I am going tell my readers how human activities affect the climate change by using the scientific information and evidence I have got from “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change” and “The Anthropocene” (from “The Global Warming Reader”).
According to “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change” written by Naomi Oreskes in 2004, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) announced that human activities, like increasing producing greenhouse gas has made an influence of the climate change.  It was agreed by many scientists and some of them also did some research to prove it.  Although it was not certain that must happen, it was better for human to be noticed.  In “The Anthropocene” (2000), Paul J. Crutzen and Eugene F. Stoermer emphasize that the earth was edited by human activities.  Human release some substances that can harm environment and those substances cause damages in the earth, like “zone hole”. 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported but the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) clearly expressed that warming over the last 50 years might be related to the increasing of greenhouse gases.  They showed that the earth’s temperature followed the quantity of greenhouse going up.  Similarly, the National Academy of Sciences report, Climate Change Science: An Analysis of Some Key Questions said that greenhouse gases which were produced by human activities caused surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean temperatures became higher.  Furthermore, the American Meteorological Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) stated the evidence which proved human activities effecting climate was compelling.  With some many authorized evidence, we can see that global warming really relate to human activities.
G.P. Marsh published a book named “Man and Nature” in 1864 and noted that mankind’s activities became a new “telluric” force which was powerful on the earth.  Mankind’s activities could change many things in every place on the earth, or even out of the earth.  According to the statistics, human population increased to 6 billion which leaded to exhaust the fossil fuels and release SO2, NO, CO2, CH4.  These were all harmful to the environment and caused to climate change.  It shows how powerful human are becoming, and prove human really have ability to change our earth which including change its weather.
In recent discussion of human activities and climate change, a controversial issue has been whether human activities will affect climate change.  On the one hand, some argue that human activities cause the change of climate.  From this perspective, with human increasing producing greenhouse gas, the temperature becomes higher and higher.  On the other hand, however, others argue that climate change has nothing to do with human activities.  My own view is that human activities have a great influence on climate change. 
I agree with IPCC’s opinion that human activities affected climate change by over using fossil fuels.  Fossil fuels can be used in variable ways.  After industry revolution, fossil fuels are being used increasingly.  As a matter of fact, fossil fuels can be machines’ energies.  We have all known how important the machines are in the modern world.  As a result, in order to create more fortune, people choose to use more and more fossil fuels.  According to chemistry function, it will produce lots of carbon dioxide when fossil fuels are burned.  It turns out more and more carbon dioxide appears in the air.  Since carbon dioxide can absorb heat and keep the air warm, our world will become warmer and warmer.  
To sum up, human activities affect climate change and become one of the important factors to the climate change.   One obvious symptom is that causing greenhouse gas lead to higher temperature in the world.  Human should notice that and come out some methods to stop it; otherwise, it may lead to serious consequence.

Friday, October 5, 2012

My personal opinion on yesterday' class discuss to Zeitoun

I don't agree with some ones said that Zeitoun did not care about his family might be attacked by the storm! Actually, he had repeated "Really" for serval times (Eggers 16), which meant he did not believe the storm would really attack his family. In my opinion, weather report had said many times that some storms might influence his family, but it turned out none of them did. Therefore, he thought this time might be the same as old, and he did not pay much attention on it!