Monday, December 3, 2012

Blog Assignment#6

Topic Three
Hi, everyone, this blog is my assignment which asks us to do some research on NDAA so that we can know clearly about NDAA, and then discuss was there any connection between NDAA and Zeitoun’s experiences. 
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is a United States federal law that makes budget and expense for the United States Department of Defense.  In another word, federal government takes some money from tax and put it into building.  It was signed by President George W. Bush in 2006 and 2008, and house people voted to pass it.  In 2009, 2010, 2011, President Barack Obama signed for it, and passed by Congress.  However, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 is still being debated by congress.  Actually, this act was for protecting United States’ safety, affording armies’ health care cost and counter-terrorism.  Although most senators agreed this act, there were seven senators voted against it.  They were Thomas Coburn, Thomas Harken, Mike Lee, Jeff Merkley, Rand Paul, Bernard Sanders and Ron Wyden.  As a matter of fact, this act gave militaries authority to arrest people whom they suspect without any proves.  However, it is very dangerous and unfair to citizens because anyone has a chance to be arrested without any explanation.  In the Book “Zeitoun” written by Dave Eggers, Zeitoun was arrested by the black men who had no identification and abused in the prison.  However, there was not such an act at that time, so they did not do it legally.  NDAA make it legally, and it can be a nightmare to Zeitoun and other people who was tortured.