Thursday, September 27, 2012

Blog Assignment #2

       Hi, my dear readers.  This is Vince who is now taking ENG101 class in LaGuardia Community College.  In this blog, I am going tell my readers how human activities affect the climate change by using the scientific information and evidence I have got from “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change” and “The Anthropocene” (from “The Global Warming Reader”).
       According to “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change” written by Naomi Oreskes in 2004, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) announced that human activities, like increasing producing greenhouse gas has made an influence of the climate change.  It was agreed by many scientists and some of them also did some research to prove it.  Although it was not certain that must happen, it was better for human to be noticed.  In “The Anthropocene” (2000), Paul J. Crutzen and Eugene F. Stoermer emphasize that the earth was edited by human activities.  Human release some substances that can harm environment and those substances cause damages in the earth, like “zone hole”. 
       U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported but the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) clearly expressed that warming over the last 50 years might be related to the increasing of greenhouse gas.  The National Academy of Sciences report, Climate Change Science: An Analysis of Some Key Questions said that greenhouse gas which was produced by human activities caused surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean temperatures became higher.  The American Meteorological Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) stated the evidence which proved human activities effecting climate was compelling.
       G.P. Marsh published a book named “Man and Nature” in 1864 and noted that mankind’s activities became a new “telluric” force which was powerful on the earth.  Mankind’s activities could change many things in every place on the earth, or even out of the earth.  According to the statistics, human population increased to 6 billion which leaded to exhaust the fossil fuels and release SO2, NO, CO2, CH4.  These were all harmful to the environment and caused to climate change.
       In recent discussion of human activities and climate change, a controversial issue has been whether human activities will affect climate change.  On the one hand, some argue that human activities cause the change of climate.  From this perspective, with human increasing producing greenhouse gas, the temperature becomes higher and higher.  On the other hand, however, others argue that climate change has nothing to do with human activities.  My own view is that human activities have a great influence on climate change. 
       I agree with IPCC’s opinion that human activities affected climate change by over using fossil fuels.  Fossil fuels can be used in variable ways.  After industry revolution, fossil fuels are being used increasingly.  As a matter of fact, fossil fuels can be machines’ energies.  We have all known how important the machines are in the modern world.  As a result, in order to create more fortune, people choose to use more and more fossil fuels.  According to chemistry function, it will produce lots of carbon dioxide when fossil fuels are burned.  It turns out more and more carbon dioxide appears in the air.  Since carbon dioxide can absorb heat and keep the air warm, our world will become warmer and warmer.  
       To sum up, human activities affect climate change and become one of the important factors to the climate change.   One obvious symptom is that causing greenhouse gas lead to higher temperature in the world.  Human should notice that and come out some methods to stop it; otherwise, it may lead to serious consequence. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

What I should change for the first Blog

After I've read my blog, I found that I did not contain five important factor (who, what, where, why, how), or maybe I just wrote some of them.  There is an other one problem that I did not summarize the article specifically, I used the words like "they".  Besides, I did not do well in reader's comment. I did not reflect to reader's comment.
I have to make some notes when I am reading to the resources so that I can easier to summarize the main idea of the article and won't miss some important points.

Monday, September 17, 2012

If New York City is ready for flood

            Hi, good evening, my name is Junmin Li, and my friends usually call me Vince.
In this blog I am responding to an assignment in my ENG 101 composition class on climate change. The assignment asked me to read an article and summarize both the author’s main points and readers’ comment.  In this blog I will discuss if New York City have prepared for the climate change.
            According to Mireya Navarro in her article “New York Is Lagging as Seas and Risks Rise, Critics Warn” published in The New York Times (September 10, 2012), New York City is so weak in preparing for the climate change.  Navarro notes that Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg thought the rising of the sea level was low, so they did not think it was urgent, and New York City was not in danger.  In addition, because of New York City’s own situation, it was difficult to do its protection of flood.  It would cost a lot of money, and it might affect aquatic ecosystems.  Moreover, it might still fail to stop the floods even if they made it.  However, Navarro emphasizes that it was very necessary for New York City to build its barriers.  Since the increasing use of the global gases, the sea level was rising much fast, and the storms and the hurricanes were becoming stronger and stronger.  Furthermore, its subway system was so weak, and it was once almost flooded. 
            The first reader said that he was on the train when it was flooded.  The train had to stop and drive them to another safe place.  That was an unpredictable incidence.